Friday, 27 January 2012

Getting the hang of Fridays

I vaguely remember someone saying "I never could get the hang of Thursdays" - was it Arthur Dent?

In any case, I've been wondering if there is anything inherenly special about Friday. With very  little empirical evidence at all I do seem to have noticed over the last few years that:

1) If there is a big customer issue it tends to come to a head on a Friday after lunch.

2) Deals get done on a Friday. That's why I am in a happy mood today :)

3) Meetings for next week get organised

4) Recruitment consultants call you

Now, if it hasn't happened already I would like to call on the marketing guru's from Harvard and Henley and all points elsewhere, to set up a study. There's something in this, I'm sure. We could all guess at the practical reasons why very practical things happen on a Friday (the "finishing up" impulse perhaps, or even a deeper seated psychological feeling that the week has been pretty awful, so let's panic-buy a better next week.


... but if there is something in it, there's a great marketing angle here. Along with "never do a breakfast breifing on a Monday" and don't do webinars on any morning, there could be some great insights here on how we manage and plan our commnications.

Finally, at my last employer there was a trend of "working from home" on a Friday. A trend I usually bucked. Sure the roads were bad on the way home, but what a great day to get things done - and in a nice quiet office too. Oh, and there was fish and chips for lunch ... may that was the real reason.

Happy Friday all.

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